These notes were obtained by Mr R. J. Ayers of Northampton for the late Lady Markham (Founder and Mentor of Hanslope Historical Society). They provide a fascinating insight to life in Hanslope from 1754 to 1770. Map references refer to the 1779 Map 8th April 1754 (Vol. 35) On Wednesday last a fire broke out at Hanslope, in the County of Bucks, which consumed several Dwelling-Houses and Out-Houses. 13th October 1755 (Vol. 36) TO BE SOLD At Hungate-End, in the Parish of Hanslope, in the County of Bucks. A very good Stone House, with Out-Offices, and about fourteen acres of good Pasture Land; now in the occupation of William Geary,at the yearly rent of Fourteen Pounds, tho' acknowledged to be greatly under-let. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr John Rawlings, Carpenter, at Enfield, in the County of Middlesex. 28th June 1758 (Vol. 39) TO BE SOLD. A Malting and Orchard, being Freehold, situate and being near Church-end in Hanslope, in the County of Buckingham, late belonging to John Perry late of Hanslope aforesaid, Maltster, deceased; and now belonging to John Perry, of Fore-Street, near Cripple-Gate, London, Pewterer, Son of the aforesaid John Perry, deceased. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Joseph Hinds, Laceman, (Map - 5) or Elizabeth Perry, Widow, both living at Hanslope aforesaid. 19th Febuary 1759 (Vol. 39) Latterly died at Hanslope, in the County of Bucks, in the 93rd. Year of his Age, Samuel Cox, whose Wife is now living in the same place, and in her 99th. year.They had been married upwards of 70 years, and the number of their offspring, in children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, amounts to 153 7th. September 1761 (Vol. 42) NOTICE is hereby given. THAT BENJAMIN HINDES, of Hanslope, in the County of Bucks, has entirely left off his Farming Business, and now teaches school as usual, where youth are well boarded, and carefully taught Reading, Writing and Arithmetick, in the most approved Method, at Nine Pounds a year, and Half-a-Guinea Entrance; and particular Regard will be had to their Morals. 7th. June 1762 (Vol. 43) BENJAMIN HINDES, At Hanslope, in the County of Bucks, TEACHETH Reading, Writing, and Arithmetick, Vulgar, Decimal, and Instrumental; Merchants' Accompts, according to the Italian Method; Geometry, Trigonometry, Plain and Spherical, with their Applications in measuring Boards, Glass, Land, Timber, Stone, etc., Book-Keeping and Gauging, Where Youth, for more Expedition in their Learning, are Boarded at Ten Pounds per Annum, and Half-a-Guinea entrance. N.B. The House is very Commodious, and pleasantly situated about Half a Mile from the Town;(From "The Survey of Hanslope 1783 Manvers Collection ,Nottingham University" Hanslope is listed with Stonty Stratford, Newport Pagnell, and Olney as a Market Town) by which Youth will not have the Opportnity in seeing the bad Examples which are often commited by the populace, and which Youth are too apt to imitate. 14th. March 1763. (vol. 43) Northampton, March 14. On Saturday Night the 5th. Instant as a Felmonger of Hanslope, in the County of Bucks., was returning home from our Market thro' Salcey-Forest, he was attack'd by a Fellow, who starting suddenly from behind a Tree, seiz'd his Horse by the Bridle, and without speaking a word, knock'd him off by a Blow on the Head with a Stick, which laid him senseless; and tho' he soon recover'd from the Effusion of Blood from the Wound, he found the Fellow had rifled his Breeches Pockets of about a Guinea in Silver. and made off. 30th. January 1764. (Vol. 44) To be SOLD. At the Cock in Hanslope, Bucks on Tuesday the 31st. of this Instant January. (The "Cock" public house at this time was across the street from the present "Cock Inn", today it is the shop next to the Methodist Chapel, it was outside this in the 1770s. that John Wesley preached.) TWO MESSUAGES, or TENEMENTS, with Orchard, Garden, Close, Yard, Shop, and several other Buildings, and Conveniences for a Wheelwright's Business; and lett to a Wheelwright, all in good Repair; together with upwards of threescore Trees in the Hedges. For further Particulars, enquire of Thomas Eayrs, at the house in Long-Street, 25th. June 1764. (Vol. 45) WANTED. A Journeyman PLUMBER and GLAZIER, by Joseph Brittain, of Hanslope, Bucks.(Map - 340) 13th. May 1765. (Vol. 46) The Creditors of WILLIAM ANCELL, late of Hanslope, in the County of Bucks., Laceman, deceased, are desired to send the Account of their Demands to Mr. John Truelove, of Castle-Thrup, in Bucks. 17th. November 1766. (Vol. 47) To be LETT, and Enter'd upon immediately, or at Lady-Day next, in Long-Street, at Hanslope, Bucks. AN Old-accustomed SHOP, with a Barn and Stable, and other convenient Out-Houses, fit for any Tradesman; with or without two Closes of Pasture near the House. For further Particulars enquire of Robert Ashby, in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire; or at the said House. 21st. December 1767. (vol. 48) Mr. Wilmer, Surgeon, of Stony-Stratford, acquaints the Public, that he has provided very commodious and genteel Apartments in his Neighbourhood for the Reception of Persons Inoculated for the SMALL-POX; where they will be carefully treated in the new Method. His terms are Six, Five and Three Guineas and a Half. In (Vol. 49) dated 13th. March 1769 there is a reference to inoculations by Mr. Wilmer at Hanslope-Park House. 5th. June 1769. (Vol. 50) WANTED immediately, A SCHOOL-MASTER at Hanslop, one of the largest Villages in the County of Bucks., Apply to the Minister and the Church-Wardens. The Master is allowed Eight Pounds a Year for Teaching some Poor Children. For many years there has been a large School. 12th. March 1770. (Vol. 50) HANSLOP TYTHES To be Lett, upon a lease from the Corporation of Lincoln, to commence at Lady-Day next . All that Capital MESSUAGE, or FARM-HOUSE, with suitable Barns, Stables, Out-houses, and other convenient Offices, in good Repair, situate in Hanslop, (Map - 28 & 29) in the County of Buckingham; together with all and singular the Glebe-Lands and great and small Tythes lying, being and arising in several Endships called Bullington-End, Church-End, Green-End, Hungate-End, Pindon-End and Long-Street-End, all within the Parish of Hanslop aforesaid. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Vinter, of Hardingston, near Northampton; or Mr. Lyon Attorney, in Lincoln. N.B. The Mayor and Town-Clerk of Lincoln will attend at the Cock in Hanslop on Thursday and Friday the 15th. and 16th. of March next, in order to enter into an Agreement with any Person who shall be inclined to take a Lease of the Premisses.
The following extracts are from an exercise book in which Miss Emma Whitbread recorded items pertaining to Hanslope. These items were also from the Northampton Mercury. They cover the period from 1786 to 1836. Teacher A Teacher. Wanted, one who is well versed in Accompts, writes and draws in a masterly manner, will meet with encouragement by applying personally with specimens of different performances. The salary will be paid quarterly. None need apply but such as can teach without heating. At the same time Mr Addison will not admit his Teachers to administer any corporal discipline(they are too prone to correct without judgement or mercy). He will take care that all due deferenceto be paid to his Teachers by his pupils. N.B. Letters addressed to Mr Addison, Hanslope Academy near Newport Pagnell, will be duly attended to. (This school was situated at Map - 345) Northampton Mercury June 3rd 1786. Journeymen Wheelwrights Wanted immediately two sober, steady journeymen wheelwrights that are good hands at their business . Such persons may have constant employ and good wages by applying to Richard Ratnett (Map - 7) of Hanslope near Stony Stratford and Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Northampton Mercury June 17th 1786. Drowning fatality at Hanslope. On Wednesday last were interred at Hanslope in the County of Bucks. the remains of Lewis Gregory, (Map - 206) a youth of about 21 years of age who was accidently drowned as he was bathing in the river Ouse, near the town of Olney. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of people who testified great concern at the melancholy event. The Psalm upon the occasion was well chosen being 1st, 2nd, 7th and 18th verses of the 69th psalm. The Minister after the Corpse was interred, exhorted the surrounding multitude to take warning the sudden and untimely end of their departed Brother and to remember in the midst of life they were in Death. He concluded with addressing himself more particularly to those persons who make a common practice of misspending the Lord's day who daringly and sacrilegiously profane the Sabbath by undue and illicit practices by walking and bathing in defiance either of Respect to God or Decency to man. Northampton Mercury June 3rd. 1786. Wm. Watts Esq. We hear that Wm. Watts Esq. of Hanslope Park, Bucks. gave away at Christmas last, as usual, 30 tons of coal,and 80 pairs of sheets to the poor of that parish. Northampton Mercury Jan. 24th 1835. Wm. Watts Esq. Wm. Watts Esq. of Hanslope Park, Bucks. at his audit on Wednesday, returned to his tenants 10% without solicitation on account of the depressed state of agriculture. Northampton Mercury July 11th 1835 Robbery On Tuesday night last a Blacksmith was robbed in Hanslope of 2 sovereigns and about 25 shillings in silver, and the thief has not yet been discovered. Northampton Mercury. Nov. 21st. 1835. Marriage On the 3rd. instant at Hanslope by the Rev. W. Singleton, Mr. W. Adams, farmer to Miss Ann Standley, daughter of Mr. T. Standley of the Watts Arms at Hanslope. Northampton Mercury Feb. 14th. 1836 Inquest On Sunday last another inquisition was held on the body of John Neal, a shoemaker of Hanslope aged 29 yrs who hanged himself in his neckerchief in a wood called Balney Wood. He had been in a low desponding state for some weeks previous to the act. Verdict. Lunacy, Northampton Mercury May 17th 1836 |