Summary for One Person

The following references to Elizabeth Hillyer, ne Smith for the period 1843 to 1930 may be relevant.

Name married yoB yoI Source Notes
Elizabeth Ann Smith 1845 1845 Baptism Born 27/7/1845
Eliza Smith 1845 1845 Baptism Born 30/10/1845
Elizabeth Smith 1845 1851 Census Daughter of Thomas Smith
Eliza Smith 1846 1851 Census Olney Pt.2
Eliza Smith   1853 Baptism Parents Edmund and Sophia
Elizabeth Smith U 1843 1861 Census Daughter of Henry Smith
Elizabeth A Smith U 1840 1861 Census No relationship provided
Elizabeth Smith U 1846 1861 Census No relationship provided
Elizabeth Ann Smith S 1845 1867 Bride Marriage to Sammuel Hillyer
Elizabeth Ann Hillyer M 1845 1867 Bride married name Ne Smith, married Sammuel
Elizabeth Hillyer M 1847 1877 Bride married name Ne Surridge, married Jonah
Elizabeth Hillyer   1900 Image Photograph
Elizabeth Hillyer M 1841 1901 Census Wife of Joseph Hillyer
Elizabeth Hillyer   1910 Revenue Survey tenant in part of Coronet or Coronation Cottages
Elizabeth Hillyer M 1842 1911 Census Wife of Joseph Hillyer
Eliza Ann Hillyer   1918 Election Register at Leamington
Elizabeth Hillyer   1918 Election Register at High Street
17 records displayed as possibly relevant out of 211 references to Elizabeth Smith.
Note: yoB is year of birth according to the source record, if available
         yoI is year of interest: the year in which the event listed took place.