Will Details

Will of Harry Cox

Date of will 8 September 1597
Status husbandman 
Abode when will written Hanslopp, Buckinghamshire
Date of probate 26 October 1597
Summary of will Left use of house at Chantry Grounds to wife and mother for their lives. Left Chantry Grounds and other land to son John, and money to four daughters with exstensive provisions if they did not reach 21 years of age. 
Persons mentioned in will:
Name Relation Abode Role Notes
John Cox Son    beneficiary   Left Close and arrable land on reaching 21 years of age; als 
Richard Troughton       Sold close and land to John Cox 
Elizabeth Cox Daughter    beneficiary   Left £10; also part of John's share if he dies before 21 
Margaret Cox Daughter    beneficiary   Left £10; also part of John's share if he dies before 21 
Katherin Cox Daughter    beneficiary   Left £10; also part of John's share if he dies before 21 
An Cox Daughter    beneficiary   Left £10; also part of John's share if he dies before 21 
Ann Cox Wife    beneficiary executor   Left use of for her life House called Chantry Grounds 
Elizabeth Cox Mother    beneficiary   Left use for her life of half Chantry Grounds 
John Cox Father      Deceased 
Rowland Hillson     witness    
Robert Hocknell     witness    
ffrancis Ellis     witness    
John Travell     witness    
Notes Transcription provided August 2010 based on work done in 1973 by Andrew Cox, a descendant.
Source:  Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies,  reference  Reference D/A/Wf/10/220
The original document from which this image has been taken is held by the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1UU, UK. Copies may be made for private use, but anyone wishing to publish the will, in whole or in part, or to reproduce it on their website should contact the Centre. A photocopy of the will can be ordered from the Centre

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Source: Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies,  reference Reference D/A/Wf/10/220
The original document from which this image has been taken is held by the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1UU, UK. Copies may be made for private use, but anyone wishing to publish the will, in whole or in part, or to reproduce it on their website should contact the Centre. A photocopy of the will can be ordered from the Centre

Transcript of the will

  eight daie of
  seventh September
In the name of god Amen the third daie of October A[nn]o D[omi]ni 1597 I harry Cox of Hanslopp in the
Countie of Buck[s] husbandman being sicke in bodie but of p[er]fect remembrance thanks be to god Doe make this my
last will and testame[n]t in mann[er] and forme following ffirst I bequeath my soule to Almyhtie god my
maker and trust only to be saved by the merits death and passion of my lord and god Jesus χρ[ist]e
my only savio[u]r and redemer And my bodie to be buried in the Church yard of hanslopp aforesayd
Also I geve and bequeath to John Cox my sonne the close and arrable land w[i]th th[e] appu[r]ten[a]nc[e]s w[hi]ch I bought of
Richard Troughton gen[tleman] to have and to hold the same to him his heires and assynes for ever provided
alwais that he shall not enter uppon the same nor take any profitte thereof afore he come to the
full age of one and twenty yeres And if it fortune my said sonne John to die before he accomplysshe the
said age of xxitie yeres then I will and bequeath the same close and land to Elizabeth my daughter
and to her heires and assignes for ever provided always that she shall not enter nor take any p[ro]fitte
of the same untill she come to the age of xxitie yeres ffurther I will that my said daughter
Elizabeth shall paye to my thre[e] other daughters Margaret Katherin and An to each of them
  apece they one whole yere after
twenty nobles Λ at such tyme as she shall enter and enioy the same close and land Λ And
yf my daughter Elizabeth doe fortune to die before she come to the sayd age of xxitie yeres
then I geve and bequeath the same close and land to Margaret my daughter
her heires and assignes for ever provided alwaies that the my said daughter Margaret shall
paie at her entrance into the same land and close to Katherin and An my other daughters
twenty nobles apece And yf Katherin my said daughter do die before she come to her said
age and before she enter and enjoy the same land and close then I will and bequeath the
same to Katherine my said daughter she paying to her other sister An then lyvinge the
sume of twenty nobles as before it ought to be payed And yf my daughter Katherin
do die before she come to the same age and before she enter uppon the same close and
land then I will and bequeath the same close and land to my daughter An and to her heires
and assignes for ever to enter at her age of xxitie yeres and not afore And I will that
yf my said son[n]e John doe or shall at any tyme hereafter die without heires of his bodie lawful
begotten that then my said close and lands shall remaine to my other daughters
or to so many of them as then shal[l] be lyving Also I will and bequeath to my said son[n]e John
All my lease and title w[hi]ch I have for my house and grounde w[hi]ch I dwell in called the Chantry
grounde Provided bewares and my will is that Ann my wyfe shall and maie have and hold the
said close and land above named and the said house and grounde with th[e] appu[r]ten[a]nc[e]s w[hi]ch
I have and dwell in in Hanslopp aforesaid called the Chauntery grounde to her owne use
Untill my said son[n]e John come to the said age of xxitie yeres And after my said
sonne shall come to his said full age then I will that my said wyfe shall have halfe
my house and grounds called the Chauntery grounds during her naturall lyfe the sayd
lease ffurthermore I will and bequeath to Elizabeth my mother the one halfe of All the house
and grounds I dwell in called the chauntery grounds to her owne use during the naturall lyfe
of my sayd mother in such sort and ample manner as my said mother ought to have and
enioy the same by force and vertue of the last will and testament of my father
John Cox deceased / Also I geve and bequeath to my foure daughters Margaret
Elizabeth Katherin and Ane to each of them twenty noble apece Tenne poundes apece
to be paid unto them at the age of one and twenty yeres of age And yf it happen
any of them to die before they accomplyshe their said ages Then I will that their
said legacies so Dy that shall so Die shall Remaine amongst the rest of my Daughters
then lyvynge The rest of my goods and C[h]attells here unbequeathed I Doe
geve and bequeath to An my said wyfe whom I make sole executrix of
this my last will and testament my Debts being paid and my funeralls
discharged And I doe make my brother ffrancis Ellis and John Travell
the elder my friends of trust to see this my last will and testament p[er]formed
and fullfilled and sufficient allowance for their chardges they be at therein
These being wittnesses

Rowland Hillson

Robert Hocknell

Sign[ed] [MARK] ffrancis Ellis

sign[ed] [MARK] John Travell
Also I will and bequeath to each of my said Daughters
one heyfor of thr[e]e yeres old or els to each of them
a Cowe to be paid and delivered to each of them at
their said ages of xxitie yeres Also my will is that
yf any new lease be hereafter to be taken of the said Chauntery
groundes and that my wyfe do survive the lease nowe
I have of the same that then my will is the same lease
shal[l] be taken in my said sonn John his name and to his use

Sign[ed] [MARK] Harry Coxe

Transcript of the probate

Probatu[m] fuit hoc testamentum cora[m] nobis
[___________] Willmio Smyth ll d[o]c[t]ore Comissae ac Offic
[Archidiacon]ato Buck[s] xxvjo die Octobris A[nn]o D[omi]ni 1597
[__________ ] nos App[ro]bat ac comissa bonoru[m] A*o Executrici
[forma jure ] jurat Salvo **re *** *****

Translation of the probate

This will was proved before us
William Smith LL.D. Comissary and Official
[of the Archdeaconry] of Bucks the 26th day of October A.D. 1597
our approve and grant of the goods *** executor
[according to law] sworn ***** **** *** *****


[ square brackets ] surround parts of abbreviations/contractions which have been expanded

underscoring and/or asterisks ***** indicate content which is uncertain or not transcribed