Buildings in Olney
45 Weston Road

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No summary available.

Listed building

The building is listed with particulars as follows.

Ann Hopkins-Smith Almshouses (including Front Boundary Wall and Gate) Grade II Dated 1819, row of twelve almshouses. Red brick with chequer pattern of black headers. Hipped slate roof with deep eaves having bracketted soffit. Brick chimney stacks. Two storeys, thirteen bays, the central three advanced under a triangular pediment containing a segmental brick arch and plaque with inscription and date. On ground floor an arch with eliptical head and tunnel vault. Ground floor has alternating pairs of doors and windows, all openings having rusticated stone flat arches with raised keystones. Each house has 6-panelled door, one sash window 4 panes wide 4 deep to ground floor, and one sash window 4 panes wide 3 deep to first floor. Original brick boundary wall to street with central gatepiers and ornamental iron gate. This property has a plaque bearing the additional information: 'This building was erected in the year 1819 for the habitation of single women and widows'
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No.45 Weston Road - 2012
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The following people are associated with 45 Weston Road:

Name Year of Birth Year of Interest Source Occupation/Notes Probability
Susan WARREN 1804  1891 Census  75%
Anne Field 1843  1911 Census    100%
Sarah Jane Lett   1936 Election Register  at 45 Weston Road  100%
Harriet Agnes SARGENT   1951 Election Register  at 45 Weston Road  100%
4 records displayed.
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Probability indicates transcribers' assessment that person listed is associated with the building on this page.

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