The Lincoln estate in Hanslope

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Planned Sale 1837

Particulars of Sale, 1837In 1837 the City of Lincoln prepared to sell the Hanslope estate.  Considerable work was undertaken to establish the City's title to the land, including transcription and translation of the 1546 Charter from Henry VIII. The date of the sale was fixed and the sales particulars were published.

However, the sale seems to have been cancelled, and the City of Lincoln continued to own its Hanslope estate for another 81 years.

The sales particulars contain a wealth of detail about the farms and land which by then made up the estate.  Click on the image of the cover to review the particulars of sale page by page.

The sales particulars include maps of the estate.  Chick on these links to go directly to these maps: Castlethorpe map; Hanslope map.
