1779 Map and Survey Indexes

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This page shows the index from the 1779 map of Hanslope parish, with extracts for all houses and cottages firstly sorted by owner name and then by reference number used on the map.  It also contains an index of tenants of Edward Watts from the companion survey document of his estate.

To magnify a section of the image, use the zoom and pan () in top left.
This is an alphabetical list of owners mentioned in the index showing cottages and houses they own.  Land owned is not shown.  For a list of property owned by Edward Watts, view the tab showing his tenants.
Owner Ref.No. Description Building link View owner entry
Moses Agar  683 The Vicarage House and Garden thumbnail
The Old Vicarage
Comments in index: The Vicar of Hanslope
John Ashby  541 Homestead and garden at Long Street thumbnail
42-48 Long Street
  552 Tenement and pightle at Wood end Lane thumbnail
Salcey House
Joseph Barker  625 The Maltkiln and orchard adjoyning Stocking Green none  
Thomas Barnes  465 Farm house, homestead and orchard at Green End thumbnail
Green End Farm House
James Barratt  782 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none  
Thomas Billing  673 A homestead and tenement adjoyning at Church End thumbnail
1 Church End, Magpies Nook
Christopher Bishop  731 Homestead garden and orchard at Church End thumbnail
Maltings Farm
Richard Bissett  490 Homestead and small close at Higham Cros none  
Edward Bloxham  624 .. .. garden and building thereon none  
Richard Blunt  372 Two tenements and gardens at Pindon end none  
Joseph Britten  521 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none  
  591 A tenement and close next Stocking Green none  
  671 A homestead and garden at Church end thumbnail
Green Manor, former Green Man Inn
John Buck  670 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
10-12 Market Square
John Burbidge  370 A tenement and garden at Pindon End none  
Edmund Burton  374 A tenement and garden near Higham Cross none  
  509 John Couley's Homestead and Orchard at Long Street none  
  647 A tenement and garden at Church end thumbnail
29 Gold Street
William Carvell  532 a Tenement and garden at Long Street none  
John Caves  580 A homestead and pightle at Holliday Lane none  
Clifton  522 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none  
Susannah Clifton  525 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none  
Thomas Crick  588 A homestead garden and pightle adjoyning Stocking Green none  
Robert Curtise  366 Two tenements and gardens at Lemon Hill Green none  
Joseph Dandridge  682 A tenement and garden at Church End thumbnail
2, 3 The Green
Richard Darby  577 A tenement yard garden and orchard thumbnail
Halfway Houses, stone house
Folwell  373 A tenement and garden at Pindon end none  
  691 Several tenements and gardens adjoining none  
Mrs Folwell  373 A Tenement and Gardens at Pindon End none  
  691 Several Tenements and Gardens adjoining Malt Mill Lane none  
George Frost  643 A tenement and garden at Church-end none  
Transcriber's notes: Does not seem to be on map
  652 A tenement at Church End thumbnail
Rose Villa; 3 High Street
Robert Gadsdon  721 A tenement garden and close adjoyning none  
John Garner  664 Homestead and garden at Church-end thumbnail
22 High Street; former Grocers
William Garratt  536 Tenement, garden and small pightle at Long Street thumbnail
Glebe Cottage, Long Street
Thomas Gaudern  667 A homestead and Malt Kiln at Church-end thumbnail
32 High Street, The Elms
John Geary  511 A homestead and small close at Long Street thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
Sarah Godfey  360 Farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Chantry Farm
  779 A tenement and garden adjoining the pightle none  
  825 Farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Tathall End Farm House
  828 A tenement and garden none  
William Goodridge  511 A homestead and small close at Long Street thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
Edward Gregory  654 Two tenements and gardens at Church-end thumbnail
5 High Street
George Nugent Grenvlle  387 The grass yard none  
Transcriber's notes: Building on this yard no longer standing
  389 A farm house, outbuildings and garden none  
  390 Late part of John Neal's homestead none  
John Grey  513 A tenement at Long Street none  
William Grey  554 a Tenement and agrden in Wood End Lane none  
John Gurney  645 A tenement and garden at Church-end purchased of William Kitlee thumbnail
Black Bull, Gold Street
  735 Part of Long Pightle and building thereo none  
Christopher Harris  648 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
31 Gold Street
William Harris  564 A house, homestead and garden in Long Street none  
Henry Morley Herbert  585 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard thumbnail
Stocking Green Farm
Thomas Higgins  572 Two closes called Downing (building not identified) none  
  656 Two tenements with a piece of garden ground at Church End thumbnail
'Widows' row'
  657 The Cock homestead and garden at Church End thumbnail
The Cock
  658 A house homestead and garden adjoyning Church End thumbnail
Coop site
Ann Hill  440 A tenement and garden at Cuckholds Hill none  
William Hillyer  820 Herberts Pightle and homestead adjoyning thumbnail
Tathall End, Brookside
John Hinds  511 A homestead and small close at Long Stre thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
Joseph Hinds  466 Several tenements and gardens at Green End none  
  663 Homestead and garden at Church end thumbnail
16 High Street
  672 Two tenements at Church end thumbnail
Buildings in Church End (to be replaced)
Comments in index: Senior
William Hinds  555 Tenements and gardens in Wood end Lane none  
  557 a Tenement and pightle adjoyning Wood End none  
Stephen Hoddle  446 Farm house and homestead at Cuckhold's H thumbnail
Cuckoos Hill
  448 A tenement buildings and pightle none  
  638 Dennis's Close and buildings thumbnail
Yew Tree Terrace
Transcriber's notes: This is land that subseqnetly was split to provide for the Gospel Hall and 43 and 45 Gold Street
  678 Tenement and garden thumbnail
Blacksmith's, Church End
  679 Tenement and garden none  
  695 A tenement and garden none  
  733 Mrs Miles's homestead thumbnail
Vicarage Court
  862 A farm house and homestead at Bullington thumbnail
Hanslope Lodge
Cowley Hollis  535 a Tenement and garden at Long Street thumbnail
66 Long Street
Kingston  623 A tenement and pightle adjoyning Stockin none  
  623 A tenement and pightle adjoying Stocking Green none  
Transcriber's notes: Widow Kingston
  637 Several tenements at Church-end thumbnail
1 Hazel Road
  637 Several tenements at Church End none  
Transcriber's notes: Widow Kingston
William Kingston  780 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none  
Joseph Kitelee  496 Two tenements and gardens at Higham Cros none  
  526 A tenement and garden none  
  531 A tenement, garden and two closes at Long Street none  
William Kitelee  481 A farm house, homestead and home close thumbnail
Hales Folly
  628 A farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Town Yard, Gold Street
Comments in index: late William Crick
  650 Mr Kitelee's homestead and a tenement adjoyning thumbnail
Caucutts Yard
  660 Home Close none  
  661 Three tenements and gardens adjoining thumbnail
12 High Street
Susannah Lane  653 Two tenements at Church-end thumbnail
Rose Villa; 3 High Street
  677 A tenement at Church-end thumbnail
18 Gold Street, Shop
Benjamin Leaver  590 A tenement and garden adjoyning Stocking Green none  
  642 A house and homestead at Church-end thumbnail
9 Gold Street
  642 A house and homestead at Church-end thumbnail
11 Gold Street
Henry Lowndes  737 Long Pightle with tenement and garden none  
  738 A small close called Hundred Acres none  
  742 A capital farm house, outbuildings, yard, orchard, garden pools and pightles thumbnail
Ivy Farm
  783 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden none  
  784 Two tenement buildings and gardens none  
  792 Tenement and garden none  
  821 Farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden, orchard and close thumbnail
39-42 Tathall End
Lucas  523 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none  
Miller  819 A tenement and garden at Tathall end thumbnail
Tathall End, south of Brookside
Milligan  377 Part of tenement and close adjoining none  
Mrs Milligan  377 Part of Tenement and Close adjoyning none  
William Mills  543 Homestead, garden and orchard in Woodend Lane none  
Thomas Munday  651 A tenement at Church-end thumbnail
2 Gold Street, Ancient Lights
John Neale  371 A tenement and garden at Pindon End none  
  488 A tenement and garden at Green End thumbnail
Badgers Balney
Elizabeth Nichols  372 A tenement and garden at Green End none  
Mary Panter  506 Two tenements and gardens at Long Street thumbnail
19, 21 Long Street
  568 Tenement and garden at Long Street none  
  649 Two tenements and gardens at Church end thumbnail
31 Gold Street
Thomas Payne  826 A tenement garden and orchard at Tathall End none  
William Peach  674 A homesteaad and garden at Church-end thumbnail
Buildings in Church End (to be replaced)
William Perry  644 The Bull Homestead at Church-end thumbnail
15 Gold Street
Transcriber's notes: marked on map at a different place to later Black Bull
  644 The Bull Homestead at Church-end thumbnail
13 Gold Street
Transcriber's notes: marked on map at a different place to later Black Bull
  646 A homestead and small close at Church-end thumbnail
Peach View
Phillips  662 Homestead and garden at Church-end thumbnail
14 High Street, New Inn
Mr Phillips  662 Homestead and Garden at Church End none  
William Pinner  534 a Tenement and garden at Long Street thumbnail
68 Long Street
Thomas Rainbow  574 A tenement and garden in Holliday Lane thumbnail
Halfway houses, house on Holliday Lane
Richard Ratnett  665 Three homesteads or tenements at Church- thumbnail
24 High Street; former Bakers
Joseph Reading  450 A tenement and garden at Green End none  
John Richards  471 a Tenement and close adjoyning none  
  514 a Tenement, yard and small close at Long Street thumbnail
77/79 Long Street
  569 Homestead and garden at Long Street none  
William Richards  483 Homestead and orchard at Long Street thumbnail
1 Long Street: 'House in the dip'
  512 Tenement and small close at Long Street thumbnail
65 Long Street
John Simons  587 A tenement garden and orchard adjoyning Stocking Green none  
Thomas Smart  681 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
2, 3 The Green
  726 Tenement and garden adjoyning West's Barney Close thumbnail
28 Park Road
Henry Smith  812 A tenement garden and wadeing(?) pightle at Tathall End none  
Matthew Smith  494 Homestead and garden at Higham Cross none  
William Smith  563 A tenement and garden in Long Street none  
Comments in index: Junior
  566 A house, homestead and garden in Long Street none  
Comments in index: Senior
John Stimson  553 a Tenement and garden in Wood end Lane thumbnail
Frohawk View
Joseph Stimson  576 A tenement and garden none  
John Stoneton  692 A homestead and garden in Malt Mill Lane thumbnail
37/39 Castlethorpe Road
George Tite  527 Homestead and pightle Rose Lane Farm  
Tordiff  354 Stimson's homestead Gordons Lodge  
John Travell  498 Tenement and garden at Higham Cross none  
Robert Travell  539 Homestead and small pightle at Long Street thumbnail
Globe Inn
James Tribbet  793 A tenement garden and orchard at Tathall End none  
Mary Vass  524 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none  
  557 A tenement and garden in Woodend Lane none  
  668 Several tenements adjoyning at Church End thumbnail
Old Cobblers/Old Fairings
William Wake  753 Gridiron Close with a tenement and garden none  
  786 Three tenements and gardens at Tathall end thumbnail
Game keepers cottage, Tathall End
  787 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none  
  788 Spencers Close, orchard and homestead none  
  791 A tenement and garden none  
  795 Farm house, outbuildings, orchard, yard and garden none  
  815 The Town Croft and tenement thereon thumbnail
Greyhound Inn, Tathall End
Comments in index: late Hanslope Poor
  816 The Swan, with the garden, yard and outbuildings thumbnail
Tathall End, opp.Hnslp.Rd
  818 A tenement garden and pightle thumbnail
Tathall End, The Corn House
Comments in index: late Henry Lowndes Esq
  840 Home Close Cold Harbour  
Transcriber's notes: The building on this Close was known as Cold Harbour
Edward Watts  278 Mansion House,outbuildings,orchard,pleasure ground, garden thumbnail
Hanslope Park
Thomas Webb  655 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
2A Gold Street
Henry West  666 Two homesteads adjoyning at Church-end thumbnail
Working Men's Club
Sarah West  676 Several tenements adjoyning at Church-en thumbnail
Swan Inn
Wilkinson  508 Homestead and orchard at Long Street thumbnail
41 Long Street
Willby  698 A tenement and close adjoyning at at Cuc none  
Widow Willby  698 A Tenement and Close adjoyning at Cuckholds Hill none  
Joseph York  544 House, homestead and garden in Wood end none  
City of Lincoln  690 Black Lyon Close with a tenament and garden none  
  696 A farm house,Outbuilding, Orchard, Yard and Gardens thumbnail
Maltmill Farm
  730 Farm House and outbuildings thumbnail
Rectory Farm, now Old Manor House
The Poor (The Feoffee)  732 Several Tenements and Gardens at Church End thumbnail
Horse Pond Cottages
Trustees Hanslop Poor  491 A Tenement and Garden at Higham Cross none  
  497 A Tenement and Garden at Higham none  
  507 Garden 'the house burnt down' at Long Street thumbnail
Hillside 23, 25 Long Street
  540 A Tenement and Small Pightle none  
  567 Several Tenements and Gardens at Long Street thumbnail
16-22 Long Street
  639 Two Tenements and Gardens at Church End thumbnail
Northern cottage part of Cottages at 1 Newport Rd
  641 A Tenement and Garden at Church End thumbnail
Southern cottage part of Cottages at 1 Newport Rd
  669 The Hospital or A tenement at Church End thumbnail
Stafford House
  680 A Tenement and Garden at Church End thumbnail
1 The Green

This lists cottages and houses shown on the 1779 map and survey in reference number order.  Fields are not listed. 

Reference No. Description Building link Owner Tenant View Page/Entry
41 Farm house, outbuildings, yard garden and orchard Farm south of Gordon's Lodge Edward Watts John Aris
54 A farm house, outbuildings, orchard, yard and garden none Edward Watts Thomas Crick
77 A farm house, outbuildings, rickyard and garden thumbnail
Farm House, Model Farm, 73 Long Street
Edward Watts William Crick
81 A house, yard and garden, late James Fretter tenant thumbnail
51 Long Street
Edward Watts William Crick
93 A homestead late Joseph York's (building taken down) none Edward Watts Thomas Adams
95 Home close building and yard thumbnail
Hungate End (1)
Edward Watts Thomas Adams
135 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard none Edward Watts John Adams
139 A farm house, yard, garden, orchard and pightle none Edward Watts John Adams
141 A tenement and garden none Edward Watts John Adams
142 Home Close and a barn and farm yard none Edward Watts John Neal
147 Homestead and home close Hungate End (2) Edward Watts John Neal
151 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden thumbnail
Hungate End (1)
Edward Watts Thomas Adams
Transcriber's notes: allocation of land to farms at Hungate End seems to have changed
166 A tenerment and garden none Edward Watts William Crick
167 A tenerment and garden thumbnail
Old Pest House
Edward Watts William Crick
175 Great Blounce including a farm house,outbuildings and garden thumbnail
Spinney Lodge
Edward Watts James Fretter
189 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, and garden Little Wood / Lilly Hoo Farm Edward Watts Joseph Tite
199 An house homestead orchard and pightle none Edward Watts Pease Willby
200 A tenement and garden none Edward Watts William Smith
201 A tenement and garden none Edward Watts William Bull
202 A tenement and garden none Edward Watts Thomas Leaver
203 The Black Lyon homestead and garden thumbnail
2, 4 High Street
Edward Watts John Gough
204 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Northern cottage part of 6-8 High Street; Lodores
Edward Watts William Payne
205 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Church Lodge
Edward Watts Joseph Smith
206 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Church Lodge
Edward Watts John Gregory
207 The Royal Oak homestead and garden thumbnail
Coronet or Coronation Cottages
Edward Watts John Gurney
208 A homestead and garden thumbnail
Coronet or Coronation Cottages
Edward Watts Amos Chinner
209 A tenement and garden thumbnail
51 High Street
Edward Watts John Gurney
210 A tenement and garden thumbnail
49 High Street
Edward Watts Elizabeth Tribbet
211 The Blacksmith's shop and garden thumbnail
1 High Street
Edward Watts Christopher Harris
213 A homestead yard and garden thumbnail
2 Earl Row
Edward Watts William Keeves
214 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Horseshoe Cottages
Edward Watts Mary Amos
215 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Middle cottage part of Horseshoe Cottages
Edward Watts Mary Panter
216 A tenement and garden thumbnail
S-Eastern cottage part of Horseshoe Cottages
Edward Watts Lane
217 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Cairn Cottage
Edward Watts Richard Law
218 A tenement garden and close thumbnail
Butcher's Shop
Edward Watts Meshack Plowman
219 A tenement and garden none Edward Watts Joseph Johnson
220 A tenement and garden thumbnail
4 The Green
Edward Watts Joseph Wheatley
223 A tenerment, garden and Poor's close none Edward Watts Henry Atterbury
225 A farm house, outbuilding, yard, garden thumbnail
Manor Farm
Edward Watts Henry Atterbury
237 A tenement and Burbidge's Home Close none Edward Watts Henry Atterbury
242 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden thumbnail
Bullington End Farm House
Edward Watts Henry Smith
245 A farm yard, barnes and orchard none Edward Watts Henry Atterbury
278 Mansion House,outbuildings,orchard,pleasure ground, garden thumbnail
Hanslope Park
Edward Watts none
301 A barn and Nether Norwood Leys none Edward Watts Henry Smith
333 A farm house. outbuildings, yard, orchard and garden thumbnail
Pindon End Manor
Edward Watts John Nichols
335 A farm house and homestead late Thomas Crick tenant none Edward Watts John Nichols
341 Barn Close, buildings and yard none Edward Watts John Burbidge
354 Stimson's homestead Gordons Lodge Tordiff none
360 Farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Chantry Farm
Sarah Godfey
366 Two tenements and gardens at Lemon Hill Green none Robert Curtise none
370 A tenement and garden at Pindon End none John Burbidge none
371 A tenement and garden at Pindon End none John Neale none
372 A tenement and garden at Green End none Elizabeth Nichols none
372 Two tenements and gardens at Pindon end none Richard Blunt none
373 A tenement and garden at Pindon end none Folwell
373 A Tenement and Gardens at Pindon End none Mrs Folwell none
374 A tenement and garden near Higham Cross none Edmund Burton
377 Part of tenement and close adjoining none Milligan
377 Part of Tenement and Close adjoyning none Mrs Milligan none
387 The grass yard none George Nugent Grenvlle none
Transcriber's notes: Building on this yard no longer standing
389 A farm house, outbuildings and garden none George Nugent Grenvlle none
390 Late part of John Neal's homestead none George Nugent Grenvlle none
440 A tenement and garden at Cuckholds Hill none Ann Hill
446 Farm house and homestead at Cuckhold's H thumbnail
Cuckoos Hill
Stephen Hoddle
448 A tenement buildings and pightle none Stephen Hoddle
450 A tenement and garden at Green End none Joseph Reading none
465 Farm house, homestead and orchard at Green End thumbnail
Green End Farm House
Thomas Barnes
466 Several tenements and gardens at Green End none Joseph Hinds
471 a Tenement and close adjoyning none John Richards
481 A farm house, homestead and home close thumbnail
Hales Folly
William Kitelee none
483 Homestead and orchard at Long Street thumbnail
1 Long Street: 'House in the dip'
William Richards none
488 A tenement and garden at Green End thumbnail
Badgers Balney
John Neale none
490 Homestead and small close at Higham Cros none Richard Bissett none
491 A Tenement and Garden at Higham Cross none Trustees Hanslop Poor none
494 Homestead and garden at Higham Cross none Matthew Smith none
496 Two tenements and gardens at Higham Cros none Joseph Kitelee none
497 A Tenement and Garden at Higham none Trustees Hanslop Poor none
498 Tenement and garden at Higham Cross none John Travell none
506 Two tenements and gardens at Long Street thumbnail
19, 21 Long Street
Mary Panter
507 Garden 'the house burnt down' at Long Street thumbnail
Hillside 23, 25 Long Street
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
508 Homestead and orchard at Long Street thumbnail
41 Long Street
Wilkinson none
509 John Couley's Homestead and Orchard at Long Street none Edmund Burton
511 A homestead and small close at Long Street thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
John Geary none
511 A homestead and small close at Long Stre thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
John Hinds none
511 A homestead and small close at Long Street thumbnail
59-61 Long Street
William Goodridge none
512 Tenement and small close at Long Street thumbnail
65 Long Street
William Richards none
513 A tenement at Long Street none John Grey none
514 a Tenement, yard and small close at Long Street thumbnail
77/79 Long Street
John Richards
521 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none Joseph Britten
522 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none Clifton none
523 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none Lucas none
524 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none Mary Vass
525 A tenement and garden in Rose Lane none Susannah Clifton none
526 A tenement and garden none Joseph Kitelee none
527 Homestead and pightle Rose Lane Farm George Tite
531 A tenement, garden and two closes at Long Street none Joseph Kitelee none
532 a Tenement and garden at Long Street none William Carvell none
534 a Tenement and garden at Long Street thumbnail
68 Long Street
William Pinner none
535 a Tenement and garden at Long Street thumbnail
66 Long Street
Cowley Hollis none
536 Tenement, garden and small pightle at Long Street thumbnail
Glebe Cottage, Long Street
William Garratt none
539 Homestead and small pightle at Long Street thumbnail
Globe Inn
Robert Travell none
540 A Tenement and Small Pightle none Trustees Hanslop Poor none
541 Homestead and garden at Long Street thumbnail
42-48 Long Street
John Ashby
543 Homestead, garden and orchard in Woodend Lane none William Mills none
544 House, homestead and garden in Wood end none Joseph York none
552 Tenement and pightle at Wood end Lane thumbnail
Salcey House
John Ashby
553 a Tenement and garden in Wood end Lane thumbnail
Frohawk View
John Stimson none
554 a Tenement and agrden in Wood End Lane none William Grey none
555 Tenements and gardens in Wood end Lane none William Hinds none
557 A tenement and garden in Woodend Lane none Mary Vass
557 a Tenement and pightle adjoyning Wood End none William Hinds none
563 A tenement and garden in Long Street none William Smith none
Comments in index: Junior
564 A house, homestead and garden in Long Street none William Harris none
566 A house, homestead and garden in Long Street none William Smith none
Comments in index: Senior
567 Several Tenements and Gardens at Long Street thumbnail
16-22 Long Street
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
568 Tenement and garden at Long Street none Mary Panter
569 Homestead and garden at Long Street none John Richards
572 Two closes called Downing (building not identified) none Thomas Higgins
574 A tenement and garden in Holliday Lane thumbnail
Halfway houses, house on Holliday Lane
Thomas Rainbow none
576 A tenement and garden none Joseph Stimson none
577 A tenement yard garden and orchard thumbnail
Halfway Houses, stone house
Richard Darby none
580 A homestead and pightle at Holliday Lane none John Caves none
585 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard thumbnail
Stocking Green Farm
Henry Morley Herbert none
587 A tenement garden and orchard adjoyning Stocking Green none John Simons none
588 A homestead garden and pightle adjoyning Stocking Green none Thomas Crick none
590 A tenement and garden adjoyning Stocking Green none Benjamin Leaver none
591 A tenement and close next Stocking Green none Joseph Britten
623 A tenement and pightle adjoyning Stockin none Kingston none
623 A tenement and pightle adjoying Stocking Green none Kingston none
Transcriber's notes: Widow Kingston
624 .. .. garden and building thereon none Edward Bloxham none
625 The Maltkiln and orchard adjoyning Stocking Green none Joseph Barker none
628 A farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Town Yard, Gold Street
William Kitelee none
Comments in index: late William Crick
637 Several tenements at Church-end thumbnail
1 Hazel Road
Kingston none
637 Several tenements at Church End none Kingston none
Transcriber's notes: Widow Kingston
638 Dennis's Close and buildings thumbnail
Yew Tree Terrace
Stephen Hoddle
Transcriber's notes: This is land that subseqnetly was split to provide for the Gospel Hall and 43 and 45 Gold Street
639 Two Tenements and Gardens at Church End thumbnail
Northern cottage part of Cottages at 1 Newport Rd
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
641 A Tenement and Garden at Church End thumbnail
Southern cottage part of Cottages at 1 Newport Rd
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
642 A house and homestead at Church-end thumbnail
9 Gold Street
Benjamin Leaver none
642 A house and homestead at Church-end thumbnail
11 Gold Street
Benjamin Leaver none
643 A tenement and garden at Church-end none George Frost none
Transcriber's notes: Does not seem to be on map
644 The Bull Homestead at Church-end thumbnail
15 Gold Street
William Perry none
Transcriber's notes: marked on map at a different place to later Black Bull
644 The Bull Homestead at Church-end thumbnail
13 Gold Street
William Perry none
Transcriber's notes: marked on map at a different place to later Black Bull
645 A tenement and garden at Church-end purchased of William Kitlee thumbnail
Black Bull, Gold Street
John Gurney none
646 A homestead and small close at Church-end thumbnail
Peach View
William Perry none
647 A tenement and garden at Church end thumbnail
29 Gold Street
Edmund Burton
648 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
31 Gold Street
Christopher Harris none
649 Two tenements and gardens at Church end thumbnail
31 Gold Street
Mary Panter
650 Mr Kitelee's homestead and a tenement adjoyning thumbnail
Caucutts Yard
William Kitelee none
651 A tenement at Church-end thumbnail
2 Gold Street, Ancient Lights
Thomas Munday none
652 A tenement at Church End thumbnail
Rose Villa; 3 High Street
George Frost none
653 Two tenements at Church-end thumbnail
Rose Villa; 3 High Street
Susannah Lane
654 Two tenements and gardens at Church-end thumbnail
5 High Street
Edward Gregory none
655 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
2A Gold Street
Thomas Webb none
656 Two tenements with a piece of garden ground at Church End thumbnail
'Widows' row'
Thomas Higgins
657 The Cock homestead and garden at Church End thumbnail
The Cock
Thomas Higgins
658 A house homestead and garden adjoyning Church End thumbnail
Coop site
Thomas Higgins
660 Home Close none William Kitelee none
661 Three tenements and gardens adjoining thumbnail
12 High Street
William Kitelee none
662 Homestead and garden at Church-end thumbnail
14 High Street, New Inn
Phillips none
662 Homestead and Garden at Church End none Mr Phillips none
663 Homestead and garden at Church end thumbnail
16 High Street
Joseph Hinds
664 Homestead and garden at Church-end thumbnail
22 High Street; former Grocers
John Garner none
665 Three homesteads or tenements at Church- thumbnail
24 High Street; former Bakers
Richard Ratnett none
666 Two homesteads adjoyning at Church-end thumbnail
Working Men's Club
Henry West none
667 A homestead and Malt Kiln at Church-end thumbnail
32 High Street, The Elms
Thomas Gaudern none
668 Several tenements adjoyning at Church End thumbnail
Old Cobblers/Old Fairings
Mary Vass
669 The Hospital or A tenement at Church End thumbnail
Stafford House
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
670 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
10-12 Market Square
John Buck none
671 A homestead and garden at Church end thumbnail
Green Manor, former Green Man Inn
Joseph Britten
672 Two tenements at Church end thumbnail
Buildings in Church End (to be replaced)
Joseph Hinds none
Comments in index: Senior
673 A homestead and tenement adjoyning at Church End thumbnail
1 Church End, Magpies Nook
Thomas Billing none
674 A homesteaad and garden at Church-end thumbnail
Buildings in Church End (to be replaced)
William Peach none
676 Several tenements adjoyning at Church-en thumbnail
Swan Inn
Sarah West none
677 A tenement at Church-end thumbnail
18 Gold Street, Shop
Susannah Lane
678 Tenement and garden thumbnail
Blacksmith's, Church End
Stephen Hoddle
679 Tenement and garden none Stephen Hoddle
680 A Tenement and Garden at Church End thumbnail
1 The Green
Trustees Hanslop Poor none
681 A tenement and garden at Church-end thumbnail
2, 3 The Green
Thomas Smart
682 A tenement and garden at Church End thumbnail
2, 3 The Green
Joseph Dandridge none
683 The Vicarage House and Garden thumbnail
The Old Vicarage
Moses Agar none
Comments in index: The Vicar of Hanslope
690 Black Lyon Close with a tenament and garden none City of Lincoln none
691 Several tenements and gardens adjoining none Folwell
691 Several Tenements and Gardens adjoining Malt Mill Lane none Mrs Folwell none
692 A homestead and garden in Malt Mill Lane thumbnail
37/39 Castlethorpe Road
John Stoneton none
695 A tenement and garden none Stephen Hoddle
696 A farm house,Outbuilding, Orchard, Yard and Gardens thumbnail
Maltmill Farm
City of Lincoln none
698 A tenement and close adjoyning at at Cuc none Willby none
698 A Tenement and Close adjoyning at Cuckholds Hill none Widow Willby none
721 A tenement garden and close adjoyning none Robert Gadsdon none
726 Tenement and garden adjoyning West's Barney Close thumbnail
28 Park Road
Thomas Smart
730 Farm House and outbuildings thumbnail
Rectory Farm, now Old Manor House
City of Lincoln none
731 Homestead garden and orchard at Church End thumbnail
Maltings Farm
Christopher Bishop
732 Several Tenements and Gardens at Church End thumbnail
Horse Pond Cottages
The Poor (The Feoffee) none
733 Mrs Miles's homestead thumbnail
Vicarage Court
Stephen Hoddle
735 Part of Long Pightle and building thereo none John Gurney none
737 Long Pightle with tenement and garden none Henry Lowndes none
738 A small close called Hundred Acres none Henry Lowndes none
742 A capital farm house, outbuildings, yard, orchard, garden pools and pightles thumbnail
Ivy Farm
Henry Lowndes none
753 Gridiron Close with a tenement and garden none William Wake none
779 A tenement and garden adjoining the pightle none Sarah Godfey
780 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none William Kingston none
782 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none James Barratt none
783 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden none Henry Lowndes none
784 Two tenement buildings and gardens none Henry Lowndes none
786 Three tenements and gardens at Tathall end thumbnail
Game keepers cottage, Tathall End
William Wake none
787 A tenement and garden at Tathall end none William Wake none
788 Spencers Close, orchard and homestead none William Wake none
791 A tenement and garden none William Wake none
792 Tenement and garden none Henry Lowndes none
793 A tenement garden and orchard at Tathall End none James Tribbet none
795 Farm house, outbuildings, orchard, yard and garden none William Wake none
812 A tenement garden and wadeing(?) pightle at Tathall End none Henry Smith none
815 The Town Croft and tenement thereon thumbnail
Greyhound Inn, Tathall End
William Wake none
Comments in index: late Hanslope Poor
816 The Swan, with the garden, yard and outbuildings thumbnail
Tathall End, opp.Hnslp.Rd
William Wake none
818 A tenement garden and pightle thumbnail
Tathall End, The Corn House
William Wake none
Comments in index: late Henry Lowndes Esq
819 A tenement and garden at Tathall end thumbnail
Tathall End, south of Brookside
Miller none
820 Herberts Pightle and homestead adjoyning thumbnail
Tathall End, Brookside
William Hillyer none
821 Farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden, orchard and close thumbnail
39-42 Tathall End
Henry Lowndes none
825 Farm house, homestead and orchard thumbnail
Tathall End Farm House
Sarah Godfey
826 A tenement garden and orchard at Tathall End none Thomas Payne none
828 A tenement and garden none Sarah Godfey
840 Home Close Cold Harbour William Wake none
Transcriber's notes: The building on this Close was known as Cold Harbour
862 A farm house and homestead at Bullington thumbnail
Hanslope Lodge
Stephen Hoddle

This is an alphabetical list of tenants of Edwards Watts taken from the survey report that accompanied the 1779 map.

Tenant Ref. No. Description Building link View Survey Page
John Adams 135 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, garden and orchard none  
John Adams 139 A farm house, yard, garden, orchard and pightle none  
John Adams 141 A tenement and garden none  
Thomas Adams 93 A homestead late Joseph York's (building taken down) none  
Thomas Adams 95 Home close building and yard thumbnail
Hungate End (1)
Thomas Adams 151 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden thumbnail
Hungate End (1)
Transcriber's notes: allocation of land to farms at Hungate End seems to have changed
Mary Amos 214 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Horseshoe Cottages
John Aris 41 Farm house, outbuildings, yard garden and orchard Farm south of Gordon's Lodge  
Henry Atterbury 223 A tenerment, garden and Poor's close none  
Henry Atterbury 225 A farm house, outbuilding, yard, garden thumbnail
Manor Farm
Henry Atterbury 237 A tenement and Burbidge's Home Close none  
Henry Atterbury 245 A farm yard, barnes and orchard none  
William Bull 201 A tenement and garden none  
John Burbidge 341 Barn Close, buildings and yard none  
Amos Chinner 208 A homestead and garden thumbnail
Coronet or Coronation Cottages
Thomas Crick 54 A farm house, outbuildings, orchard, yard and garden none  
William Crick 77 A farm house, outbuildings, rickyard and garden thumbnail
Farm House, Model Farm, 73 Long Street
William Crick 81 A house, yard and garden, late James Fretter tenant thumbnail
51 Long Street
William Crick 166 A tenerment and garden none  
William Crick 167 A tenerment and garden thumbnail
Old Pest House
James Fretter 175 Great Blounce including a farm house,outbuildings and garden thumbnail
Spinney Lodge
John Gough 203 The Black Lyon homestead and garden thumbnail
2, 4 High Street
John Gregory 206 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Church Lodge
John Gurney 207 The Royal Oak homestead and garden thumbnail
Coronet or Coronation Cottages
John Gurney 209 A tenement and garden thumbnail
51 High Street
John Gurney 209 A tenement and garden thumbnail
51 High Street
Christopher Harris 211 The Blacksmith's shop and garden thumbnail
1 High Street
Joseph Johnson 219 A tenement and garden none  
William Keeves 213 A homestead yard and garden thumbnail
2 Earl Row
Lane 216 A tenement and garden thumbnail
S-Eastern cottage part of Horseshoe Cottages
Richard Law 217 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Cairn Cottage
Thomas Leaver 202 A tenement and garden none  
John Neal 142 Home Close and a barn and farm yard none  
John Neal 147 Homestead and home close Hungate End (2)  
John Nichols 333 A farm house. outbuildings, yard, orchard and garden thumbnail
Pindon End Manor
John Nichols 335 A farm house and homestead late Thomas Crick tenant none  
Mary Panter 215 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Middle cottage part of Horseshoe Cottages
William Payne 204 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Northern cottage part of 6-8 High Street; Lodores
Meshack Plowman 218 A tenement garden and close thumbnail
Butcher's Shop
Henry Smith 242 A farm house, outbuildings, yard and garden thumbnail
Bullington End Farm House
Henry Smith 301 A barn and Nether Norwood Leys none  
Joseph Smith 205 A tenement and garden thumbnail
Church Lodge
William Smith 200 A tenement and garden none  
Joseph Tite 189 A farm house, outbuildings, yard, and garden Little Wood / Lilly Hoo Farm  
Elizabeth Tribbet 210 A tenement and garden thumbnail
49 High Street
Joseph Wheatley 220 A tenement and garden thumbnail
4 The Green
Pease Willby 199 An house homestead orchard and pightle none  

The survey was conducted shortly after the completion of the main 18th century enclosure in Hanslope and so depicts the new pattern of property ownership after the enclosures.

The Map

The map covers the whole parish of Hanslope.  It is of very high quality and identifies and names every property and every field in the parish.  An index in the bottom right corner of the map lists all properties by owner using a reference number for each item which appears on the map.

The original map measures approximately 10 feet by 10 feet and seems to have been intended to hang on a wall.  It was drawn on parchment mounted on linen.  (Parchment is made from sheep skin.)

The map was prepared by Joseph Perks.  Separate copies still exist which were prepared for Edward Watts and for the City of Lincoln, the leading landowners in the parish at the time.  It seems possible that copies were prepared for other major landowners.  There are subtle differences between the Watts and Lincoln copies, in that properties belonging to each landowner are coloured differently from other properties on their copy of the map (red for buildings, green boundaries of fields, while properties not owned are coloured grey, and in the case of the Watts map, two shades of green are used to distinguish property "in settlement" from other property).

Measures of area on the map are in acres, roods and perch: 1 acre = 4 rood = 160 perch (1 rood = 40 perch).  One acre is approximately 4,047 square meters.

The map shows that 43% of the land area in the parish was owned by Edward Watts. A further 25% was owned by major landowners (with land in other parishes), and a good deal of the rest was owned by people who do not appear to have been living in the parish.

The Accompanying Survey

A separate bound volume contains a survey report on the Watts estate which includes pages on each farm listing every field, homestead and cottage, using the same numbering system as on the map.  There is also a map of each farm. 

The final pages list rented property, mainly in the village centre, and are accompanied by a map of the village centre.  The survey names all tenants.



Presentation on this Web site

The map is available on a page that provides zoom and pan features using Google map functions to allow the full detail of the map to be explored.  This has been prepared from the Watts version of the map.  Also available on separate pages are sections cut out from the map for the Village Centre, Long Street and Tathall End.

The survey report on the of the Watts estate can be paged through, including the separate maps on each farm.  A list of content has been prepared to facilitates direct access to a specific page.

An index page displays the index from the map, and provides separate lists of owners and tenants from the map and survey, and an index of houses using reference numbers from the map and survey.  These indexes provide links to further information about buildings on this web site.

All persons mentioned in the map and survey are include in the index of Hanslope people and references and links to the map and survey will appear in results of searches for the people in the family history section.


The original map and survey are held by the Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1UU, UK, which administers copyright (document reference: D/WA/155.R).  Copies may be made for private use, but anyone wishing to publish the map or survey, in whole or in part, or to reproduce it on their web site should contact the Centre for permission to do so.


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